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A little bit about SHOLIAS LP

SHOLIAS LP Set up to provide premium services in connection with law, business and justice, Sholias LP delivers solutions to the clients in the best pragmatic manner possible. The lawyers think thoroughly through the law and find flexible legal solutions for the clients. The firm is structured as a partnership with a full complement of young, dynamic, focused and highly skilled lawyers, having client satisfaction as the core of their values. Sholias LP’s areas of specialization include: 

➢ Commercial Litigation & Arbitration

➢ Corporate Services

➢ Commercial Law

➢ Assets Recovery

➢ Oil and Gas Law ➢

Energy and Environmental Law

➢ Family Law

➢ Insolvency

➢ Assets Recovery and Real Estate Law

Among others.

The Firm provides a wide range of specialized legal services to a diversified group of clientele including but not limited to:

❖ Public and Private Limited Liability Companies

❖ Governmental and non-governmental organizations

❖ Financial and Non-financial institutions

❖ OPENING HOURS: 8.00am to 6: 00pm Daily ❖


    Contact Links
  • Phone: 08130836045
  • Email: sholias.lp@gmail.com
    Social Links
  • Google Plus: https://googleplus.com/sholias.lp

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